- Original structure, prior to receiving major damage, caused by Hurricane Edna, while on station on 9/14/54 (when the bridge was rebuilt, fewer port holes were installed - compare photo of LV-112 bridge as a Relief vessel). (USCG photo -courtesy of Bernie Webber) 1954: Sep 14, during Hurricane Edna in 70 ft seas and 110 mph winds, bow plates damaged, bridge and pilot house stove in, small boats demolished and rudder severely damaged; minor injuries to several crew members.
- The Cunard-White Star limited liner SS Olympic, sister to the Titanic, passes very close aboard the LV-117 on the Nantucket station in early april 1934. The lightship had been rammed already once that year in the fog, and the following month the Olympic actually collided wth LV-117 and sent it to the bottom in seconds. Four crewmen went down with the ship while the Olympic rescued the remaining seven. Three of these men died later from injuries and exposure. The British Government paid for the construction of LV-112 as reparation for the accident. (Courtesy of USCG)
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